The Real estate agent in Tenerife is responsible for providing information, advice and assistance to the owner of a property (apartments, land, buildings, etc.) and to all those interested in the property (natural persons or entities), not being linked to neither side by ties of dependency or representation. It then performs a work of mediation before the signing of a lease or sale / purchase contract.
Among his specific tasks are:
- advertise the property to be rented / sold through traditional and non-traditional channels (leaflets, websites, direct contact, etc.)
- search for potential buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords
- check the mortgage situation of the properties in the land registry offices
- illustrate the characteristics of the property to those interested in buying or renting
- carry out the procedures to start contracting
assist the parties in the correct evaluation of the real estate according to market trends
The real estate agent in Tenerife usually works as an employee or owner of an agency: at first you enter as a practitioner alongside the real estate agents already present, and then acquire the qualification (after attending a course and taking an exam) . Only from this moment can he take on business in the first person. Subsequently, he can become an agency owner, starting his own business or joining a franchise.
The real estate agent in Tenerife can also work as a self-employed person (with VAT number), a figure external to real estate agencies: in this case he connects the agencies with potential clients, earning a percentage of his business.
To carry out the profession of real estate agent in Tenerife it is however advisable to have knowledge in the field of legal and economic knowledge such as civil and tax law or economic mediation. In the same way, it is advisable to have strong communication skills, listening, patience and capacity for argumentation, useful skills in all mediation activities.
Text source: Wecanjob